Robb McLeod

Current Project

ZORRO – The Bleeding Edge in Drift Correction

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    Short Biography

    Robert McLeod from Canada joined the Stahlberg group at CINA in March 2015. His previous PostDoc experience was gained at Fondation Nanosciences (NSF) and
Institute Nanosciences et Cryogènie, CEA, Grenoble France. He has a PhD in Physics from the University of Alberta, Canada, an M.A.Sc in Mechanical Engineering from University of Victoria, Canada and a BSc in Physics & Computer Science from the University of Victoria, Canada



    Structure of a zosuquidar and UIC2-bound human-mouse chimeric ABCB1

    Alam, A., Küng, R., Kowal, J., McLeod, R., Tremp, N., Broude, E.V., Roninson, I.B., Stahlberg, H., Locher, K.P.

    PNAS 115(9), E1973-E1982 (2018)


    DOI: DOI


    Cryo-EM analysis of homodimeric full-length LRRK2 and LRRK1 protein complexes

    Sejwal, K., Chami, M., Remigy, H., Vancraenenbroeck, R., Sibran, W., Sütterlin, R., Baumgartner, P., McLeod, R., Chartier-Harlin. M.-C., Baekelandt, V., Stahlberg, H., Taymans, J.-M.

    Scientific Reports 7(1), 8667-8678 (2017)


    DOI: DOI


    Solution structure of discoidal high-density lipoprotein particles with a shortened apolipoprotein A-I

    Bibow,S., Polyhach, Y., Eichmann, C., Chi, C.N., Kowal, J., Albiez, S., McLeod, R., Stahlberg, H., Jeschke, G., Günter, P., Riek, R.

    Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 24, 187-193 (2017)


    DOI: 10.1038/nsmb.3345


    2014-2017, PostDoc

    +41 61 387 32 25

    C-CINA, Biozentrum, Uni Basel, Mattenstrasse 26, Room P12, CH-4058 Basel, Switzerland Full CV